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The Department of International Business and Trade offers a wide range of courses and specialization across international trade, international finance, international business, and international marketing. Courses provided by the Department of International Business and Trade will prepare our students for a variety of career paths, which include but are not limited to trading, marketing, sales, purchasing, and banking.



Freshman Year

Required Courses:


Business Mathmatics 


Introduction to Electronic Commerce


Basic Japanese

Elective Courses:

Essentials of Civil Law

Sophomore Year

Required Courses:

Microeconomics (or Macroeconomics)


Money and Banking


Elective Courses:

Macroeconomics (or Microeconomics)

Finance Management

Consumer Behavior

Advanced Japanese

Japanese for Tourism and Business

Junior Year

Required Courses:

International Trade Practice

International Trade Theory and Policy

International Finance

International Marketing

International Business Management

Commercial Law

Elective Courses:

Selected English Readings in Trade and Economics

Strategic Management

Studies on Regional Economic Integration

Special Topics on Cross-Border E-Commerce

Senior Year

Required Courses:

Business English

Foreign Exchange

Business Ethics

Elective Courses:

Theory and Practice of Customs Duty

Internet Marketing

International Political and Economic Situations

Special Topics on Cross-Straits Economy and Trade



* Since all undergraduate students of Aletheia University also need to take courses to complete the General Education Curriculum, please consult Center for General Education of Aletheia University the specific general education requirements for the Department of International Business and Trade. The department offers the Bachelor of Business Administration degree in international bussiness and trade, which requires a total of 130 credits.


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